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A service to parents and grandparents MAR13799 Dogma (1999), (R) CAP Score: 25 CAP Influence Density: 7.39 |
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ALERT: To fully understand this report you should first visit the topics suggested by the CAP Table of Contents. SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *Dogma* (R) -- 38 minutes of useless celluloid. It seems I am spending too much time explaining the CAP ministry to the adversarial readers who won't take the time to read. This will be the last time. Yes, I left after 38 minutes, and that does not cheapen the findings. What we report on is inarguably present in the portion we saw. And the numbers are truly representative of the findings. The portion I saw properly earned the scores shown. The CAP analysis model is as mathematically accurate for a portion of a movie as it is for the entire movie. Who cares about the rest of the movie if the first or any other portion is filth? Also, the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model is completely objective. We make no scoring allowances for Hollywood's trumped-up "messages" to excuse, or manufacturing of justification for aberrant behavior or imagery. Dogma was quite possibly presented more danger than South Park in a more subtle or "acceptable" way -- and used live actors and actresses to do it. Eighty-one examples of a witch's brew of foul language plus 40 examples of sexual programming in 38 minutes. I really do not need to say more, but I will. At the beginning of the movie there were three screens of trumped-up justification text for the writers to excuse themselves from accountability for their rape of the Scriptures in the name of comedy. And that they did. Full sequences of dialogue were intellectually presented to encourage thoughts of humans being able to manipulate the will of God, and to present false justification for ignoring His expectations of us. Much verbal energy was spent to explain how we, as a people, have matured beyond the abusive limitations of subservience to His expectations of us; the expectations which are unfairly stifling and suffocating to the free will; to the incredibly inhibitive nature of obedience to His Word. An "angel" dropped his pants to reveal that God had removed his genitalia. Three teenage "demons" beat up an old man, murdered a young woman, and terrorized another. Humankind was blamed for the "failure" of the Scriptures, implying the Scriptures are imperfect. The Catholic church was presented as flippant and "hip" by discarding the traditional "depressing" Jesus and embracing a "Hey, dude!" Jesus. One actor spoke "To Hell with Him" referring to God. Another said "I think God is dead." Much dark humor belittling the Scriptures. Sinful behavior was encouraged as an emotional release. Sin was suggested as being relative, e.g., behavior that was sinful for our fathers and their father's fathers is not necessarily sinful for us since we have matured as a people. Two characters who were supposed to be angels were the quintessential counterfeiters of the Scriptures -- one of them committed gunfire murder of an adulterer with as much regard for what he had done as if he had just sneezed. It seems the entire movie was bent on violating Is. 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" And by the reactions to this analysis, this movie has so many believing it has, for example, some merit as an enlightened glimpse at faith. And get this. About 25% of the attendees were *clearly* under 17 (as if the movie is fit for 17 or 70). And almost all of the under age kids seemed to be with their parents. Two kids, about 8 and 10 seemed quite uncomfortable with the movie (or with something else) while the individual that seemed to be their father got big laughs out of the movie. I wonder if he understands that *taking* your kids to see such programming is implied *approval* or at least acceptance of the behavior shown, no matter what his words say. [Matt 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto [or for] one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto [or for] me" and Luke 17:2 "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." For the dissident readers, I did not write these rules. So many of our visitors seem to be relying only on this Summary/Commentary for a full assessment of this movie. This is not possibble. For the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie, visit the Findings/Scoring section below. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below are likely. REMEMBER: This is all in just 38 minutes! A very severe density! Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |