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A service to parents and grandparents MAR20056 Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000), (PG-13) CAP Score: 62 CAP Influence Density: 1.16 |
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SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000* (PG-13) -- "I think I just saw a movie." I am so sorry that the only movie I could afford to feed to the CAP analysis model this week was this one. There is not much to say about this most forgettable flick. A lot of violence. A ton of murders and deaths. Sacrificial suicides. Enslavement of the human race. Trickery and treachery. And a lot of poor hygiene. Very dirty. If Smell-a-vision was a reality, air freshener would be the most sought-after concession. The movie has no shape, no purpose, no definition, no talent, no anything of quality or substance. Based on the book written by L. Ron Hubbard (yup, the founder of the Church of Scientology) in 1980 you'd think there would at least be some sort of attempts at planting of beliefs or system of thinking. While there was example of implanting the foundation for questioning omnipotence and omniscience [Rev. 1:8; Rev. 19:6], this movie by the father of Scientology was, I believe, even empty of proselytization to Scientology. Even John Travolta, the lead as Terl, is apparently a Scientologist but there was nothing in this movie, nothing other than grubby and scabby, matted and rotting nothingness. I won't guarantee the accuracy, but here is what I think I remember. Johnny Goodboy Tyler, a rebellious youth in a mountain colony of surviving humans decides there is no future in the ways of the elders (sound familiar?) [1 Pet. 5:5]. Breaking away, Tyler encounters some other human survivors bent on killing him until a camaraderie situation did something to unite the would-be fighters. Somehow Tyler got into the local stronghold of the Psychlos as a prisoner to be used as a slave for the Psychlos, as were all other available humans. Somehow gold was important to the alien usurpers who conquered hyper space. Watching the movie, one would think that there were no other pockets of humans remaining of the six billion, no other strongholds of occupation forces, and no other gold to be found anywhere; that the eventual destruction of this one stronghold of the Psychlos would destroy the entire occupation forces on the entire planet. Oh yeah, a single atomic bomb detonated on the home planet of the Psychlos ignited their global atmosphere and evaporated life on that planet. I am not joking! This movie was like a third grade science fiction writing skills project. At least *Independence Day* Since I remember another part of the story I might as well tell you. The Psychlos had a magic teaching machine that zaps the eyes of the learner with the knowledge of how to operate the mining machines. Johnny Goodboy Tyler used it to conquer the Psychlovian occupation forces after learning Euclidian geometry, jets, and Fort Knox; all from a machine. Even the flight simulator used to train the human forces how to fly jets was in perfect working order after 1000 years of being idle. There was even electricity to run the simulator. And these were some humans! After living all of their spartan lives in "caveman" fashion, they learned how to pilot super technical fighting aircraft in just a couple days without even knowing how to spell. I have always been under the impression a jet pilot had to be an officer with a college degree plus thousands of hours of intense specialized training. One more tidbit. Terl (Travolta) was the security chief of the Psychlovian occupation forces whose sole purpose on the earth was to mine all of its gold. Terl, as a conniving and treacherous authority, planned to deceive the "home office" and take much of the gold for himself. So, he schemed to conduct a remote 14-day "experiment" -- train some humans, Tyler being one of them, to operate the mining machines and send them off to the edge of the earth to secretly mine gold. Enters the picture a drone spy aircraft to keep the slaves under observation. One would swear the spy craft with lazy exhaust was piloted by Buck Rogers. To buy some time to implement their quest, the humans calculated how to trick the regular appearances of the Big Brother spy plane and sneak off to Fort Knox to steal that gold to satisfy Terl. When Terl asked about the gold being in nice well-formed bars, he decided that if they have the time to process the gold so finely that he would reduce the time they have to mine the gold. They started out with 14 days to make plans to conquer the Psychlos and execute the plans. Now they have only seven days. Not to worry, the rebel Tyler is quite capable since he is really smart now. Though *Battlefield Earth* truly earned a PG-13 score (62, PG-13 is 67 to 55), the thrust of this movie was violence [Ps. 11:5; Hab. 2:12; Isa. 33:15-16; Prov. 3:31-32]. That's all. Look to the Findings/Scoring section for a listing of ignominy in this movie if you plan to stomach it. Please see the Findings/Scoring section below for a full accounting of this movie: for the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): ![]() |